Go ahead and file this under Extremely Late to the Party, but after catching Paramount’s “G.I. Joe” trailer during the Super Bowl, I couldn’t help but think “is it possible that the movie won’t completely suck?” It sure looks a helluva lot better than what the first batch of promotional images suggested, but keep a few things in mind:

1) It’s based on a toy line. Sure, “Transformers” kicked some serious ass, but it was also directed by Michael Bay, who’s been known to make a good action film in his time. Which brings me to my next point…

2) It’s directed by Stephen Sommers. As in “The Mummy Returns” and “Van Helsing” Stephen Sommers. The CGI showcased in the trailer already looks far better than anything that appeared in either of those films, but that hardly means the story won’t feel like a six-year-old wrote it. Plus…

3) The trailer is only 30 seconds long. It’s not very difficult to find 30 seconds worth of good footage from a two hour movie, even if you’re a hack like Stephen Sommers.

With that said, however, the film doesn’t look quite as bad as most fanboys imagined. Sienna Miller looks great as The Baroness, and that short glimpse of Snake Eyes facing off against Storm Shadow promises at least some good action. Still, Destro looks pretty dumb without his trademark helmet (though he might look ever worse with it on), and why is Cobra Commander being kept such a big secret? Check out the trailer below and then head over to Bullz-Eye.com to see more movie trailers.