Tag: Train

American Idol: a jinx no more

Last night’s “American Idol” featured what may have been a surprise, or maybe not, depending on your allegiance. The episode began with host Ryan Seacrest announcing the first of two group performances–Train’s “Hey Soul Sister,” by Jacob, Stefano, Haley and Lauren. That was really pretty bad. Then Scotty, Casey and James sang Coldplay’s “Viva La Vida” and just killed it–including some truly stunning harmonies.

On to the results…..Casey, safe….Jacob, Bottom 3. I had thought Jacob could be in danger, but then again, we’re getting down to the wire. Then David Cook sang his new single….was it really three years ago that Cooki was competing on the Idol stage? Wowl. Anyway, the song was good but not great. After that, they showed the Idols having fun–at a Dogers’ game, bowling and then getting spa treatments.

More results…..Lauren, safe; James, safe; Steafano Bottom 3. One spot left between Haley and Scotty. I thought for sure it was finally time for Scotty to be at risk, but alas, I was wrong. Haley, Bottom 3, again. Scotty, safe, again. So with automatic bids to continue, you had James, Scotty, Casey and Lauren. Then Seacrest apparently felt bad for making Haley suffer again and sent her back to safety.

So then we were down to Jacob and Stefano. But first, a weird performance from Katy Perry, “ET.” Weird, right down to the rap banter with Kanye West. Finally it was time for the result.

Stefano has been in the bottom serveral times now but he keeps fighting throgh it. And Jacob was not great on Wednesday. But in the end, it was indeed Stefano. I really thought Stefano did a nice job the other night, but in the end he went home, maybe a good month after we thought he would.

So we’re down to six..Lauren, Haley, Jacob, Casey, James and Scoty. Who do you like? Thanks for reading folks, see you next week…..

American Idol: Did you have to pick that song?

Okay, before we get to the recap of last night’s performances on “American Idol,” can I just say, WHAT ARE THESE CONTESTANTS THINKING? It seems like they are choosing the wrong songs with regularity, not understanding the urgency of giving it their best shot while they have the opportunity. It just makes me crazy and I think it makes the judges crazy as well. Last night the performances were less than stellar. In fact, many of them were flat-out awful. But it wasn’t always that maybe the judges mis-calculated and sent the wrong singers through to this round. It was mostly about poor song choice. With that, here were the good, the in-between and the bad from last night, with a prediction for tonight’s results show.


Alison Iraheta is only 16 and as Simon Cowell correctly pointed out, she looked out of her element when Ryan Seacrest was interviewing her, and then when she took the stage she was a completely different person. This girl has unbelievable vocal ability at such a young age, and last night she sang Heart’s “Alone.” Randy said she “blew it out of the box,” Kara said Alison doesn’t know how good she is, Paula said she was the best so far (she went fifth), and Simon said she was the best so far by a mile. Alison would not have advanced last week, but with the way last night’s semi-finalists performed, she has a great shot now.

Kris Allen is a 23 year old dude from Arkansas, so you wouldn’t expect him to sing Michael Jackson’s “Man in the Mirror,” would you? I was scared, but dude pulled it off nicely. It was rough at the start but he really nailed it as a whole and could be a dark horse. Kara said she thought it was the wrong song, Paula disagreed and so did Simon, saying Kris showed confidence, and Randy said he did a nice job without his guitar, as he had done before in Hollywood.

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American Idol: Pass the salt shaker

Last night the “American Idol” auditions moved to Salt Lake City, home of last season’s runner-up, David Archuleta. They made reference to the fact that there are a lot of nice people who live in Salt Lake, much like young David. That’s amazing considering that many people who live there do not drink alcohol. But I digress….the judges had to sift through a lot of bad auditions, probably many more than they showed last night, to find a few jewels. Here were the bad and the good from this round…..


Tara Mathews, a 21-year old local Goth girl (a Goth in Salt Lake is like a peanut in Italian food) said that she had ESP powers. Well that’s good, because she sure can’t sing….they only showed a few seconds of this girl Aleesha, who I’ll call vibrato girl, but her audition made me laugh out loud…..there was Chris, who brought along his friend Greg the Rabbit. Greg wore a pink bunny costume Continue reading »

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