Tag: Julio

The Biggest Loser: no huge surprises…well, maybe two

Last night’s finale of “The Biggest Loser” on NBC featured the big showdown between Danny and Rudy, and the result of that was not exactly earth-shattering. But there were a couple of other shocking revelations during the show, which we will get to shortly.

First, they brought out Amanda and Liz, to see who America voted into the final 3. Each of them looked quite the same as when they broke camp after running the marathon four months ago….but I digress. The person in the finale was Amanda, and we had to hear her thank America once again for voting for her. Woo freaking hoo. Liz, meanwhile, looked kind of pissed, but let’s face it….neither of them was going to beat Rudy or Danny. And how about Liz being a grandmother of nine at the age of 49? Now that’s impressive!

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The Biggest Loser: fighting to stay on campus

On NBC’s “The Biggest Loser” last night, the episode began with everyone (well mostly Shay) telling Tracy they didn’t trust her anymore. Tracy had told Shay she wouldn’t call her name to represent the orange team at the weigh in, but she went back on her word. Shay just wanted Tracy to admit that, but Tracy kept back-pedaling, making Shay and everyone in the house dislike her even more. Then, in a show of karma, Tracy met with Dr. H., who told her that she still could not participate in any workouts, not even walking, because of her strange muscle disorder that was causing her danger to her kidneys. Yikes. This had her teammate Coach Mo worried to say the least. Then trainer Bob Harper was telling a bunch of them that they should all fight to stay on campus, and not sacrifice for others the way the red team did last week.

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The Biggest Loser: evil gameplay returns

If you watch NBC’s “The Biggest Loser” regularly, you know that a few seasons ago, Vicky and Brady — well, mostly Vicky — were doing all they could to win the game, at times with no regard for teammates and housemates. It was all gameplay all the time. Last season big Ron did the same thing while appearing to be the gentle father figure. Well, the new season has its game-player, and it’s Tracy from the purple team. Yeah, the same Tracy who started the season in a hospital because she couldn’t breathe on her own after jogging a mile. We’ll get into all that soon..but meanwhile, here is your recap….

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The Biggest Loser: teamwork

For a change on last night’s episode of NBC’s “The Biggest Loser,” there was a happy ending. No gameplay, no formed alliances or ulterior motives…only the opportunity and the inspiration of having to all work together. And now that the contestants have scored a victory, as Mrs. Mike pointed out, the producers are going to find a way to mess with them again. What do I mean? Well, read on….

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