A couple of bits of video that have been making the rounds.

First, via Screenrant a moment from “Let Me In,” director Matt Reeves’ much discussed and increasingly anticipated Americanization of the hugely acclaimed anti-“Twilight” tale of vampiric puppy love, “Let the Right One In.” Based on Reeves’ work on “Cloverfield,” I had my doubts, but this just could be worthy of its predecessor. This one is slightly NSFW because of a shouted f-word.

Of course that’s Richard Jenkins above as “the father” in a clip I personally thought was outstanding — far better than I would have expected from Matt Reeves based on his work in “Cloverfield.” A really nicely calibrated piece of suspense with some strong period feeling.

And here’s Rutger Hauer as the Hobo with the shotgun in what has to be one of the most violent and gruesome trailers I’ve seen. Chalk that up to its roots in a prize winning fan-made “Grindhouse” style trailer. Decidely NSFW and kind of funny in a very grim way. Oddly,  it’s actually creepier than the scene from “Let Me In.”

CinemaBlend gets the HT for this and they also have the original “Hobo” trailer that played in some theaters with “Grindhouse.” Personally, I actually like this new one a lot better.