It won’t surprise regular readers that I refuse to look at or post the teaser trailer for the sequel to a certain “extreme” horror movie whose existence I have only recently even acknowledged here, having lost my battle to unthink its very premise. You know where to find it, anyway. Yet, I feel no compulsion at all in posting the trailer for what we’re assured is the most controversial porn parody of all time.
Yes, courtesy of master fornicator and pornmaker Tom Byron comes, you guessed it. “The Human Sexipede: First Sequence.” 100% medically inaccurate, let’s hope. The trailer is not, itself, pornographic, of course. However, it’s clearly not to be shown within a thousand miles of kids and is also not safe for work, unless you work somewhere where it wouldn’t be bad to hear a guy shout “Fuck like you have never fucked before bwa-ha-ha-ha!” in a really corny German accent.
H/t Film Drunk. And, yeah, this is much funnier than the “Vampire Sucks” trailer. Make of that what you will.