“Piranha 3-D,” of course. Somewhere in the Academy’s heart it yearns to present an award to a film that celebrates the human spirit and its need to see naked breasts and genetically altered fish eating people, in the three dimensional way this crucial topic has always deserved.
Okay, two provisos: This is a little long, but there are funny bits kind of strewn throughout, and there is some of that NSFW language y’all know and love.
UPDATE: They apparently shortened this from nearly four minutes to about 2.5 minutes while no one was looking, Now, I find it a bit less funny. Some people are just impossible to please!
Okay, so it’s an obvious plug for the grindhouse-at-the-multiplex movie which opens on Friday. It’s reasonably funny, and I just like making simultaneous fun of the bread and circuses movie world and the middle-brow snobbery of the Academy. I mean, what if “Piranha 3-D” really is some kind of gory work of art? Would the Academy recognize it? Would I, gorephobe, feel like drinking enough to see it? The second is a lot more likely than the first.
H/t Movieline. I hope they’re just kidding about the penis, but you never know what they can get away with in an R-rated movie these days.