In the most recent season of Bravo’s hit reality show, “Top Chef,” I was pulling for Kevin Gillespie in a big way over arrogant brothers Mike and Bryan. So I was thrilled when I was presented the opportunity to ask him a few questions by e-mail. Kevin and another Top Chef alum, Carla Hall, have been chosen to be the virtual instructors for a new online culinary course, Top Chef University.
Here is how the press release describes the course:
“an online, comprehensive culinary program launched, offering students a full culinary curriculum – at a fraction of the cost of traditional culinary school – from the basics, such as how to stock your kitchen and choosing the proper equipment, to advanced techniques such as creating foams and sous vide. Taught by former chef’testants from the series, including fan favorites and winners, the course allows students to learn in the comfort of their own kitchen and go back and review courses at their convenience.”
For $25 per month or $200 for a year, it truly is a fraction of the cost of traditional culinary school. And the curriculum was developed by Top Chef judge Gail Simmons and trained chef Anthony Hoy Fong.
As for what Kevin had to say about Top Chef University as well as his experience on the show, let’s go to the interview……
Premium Hollywood: So when were you approached about doing this Top Chef University gig, and how cool is it that you were selected?
Kevin Gillespie: I was approached a few months in advance. It was great because I love being a teacher.
PH: What do you hope students take away from the classes, and how do you think it hinders them doing this online as opposed to in person?
KG: I hope it doesn’t hinder anyone. The technology is set up so you can stop, hit replay, go back. You can learn piece by piece at your own speed. I hope it gives the student courage to get in the kitchen and try. I hope they make mistakes, learn, and move on.
PH: Did you have any desire to teach classes before this, or have you taught classes before?
KG: Yes, I’ve taught many classes. I really enjoy sharing knowledge.
PH: How do you feel that the Top Chef franchise has educated the general TV viewing public about food and dining out as a whole?
KG: I hope viewers can see how passionate chefs are and maybe better understand all the work that goes on behind the scenes.
PH: Finally, I felt you should have won this past season of the show….how has that experience helped your career in general and do you think you also deserved to win?
KG: Well, if I was judged on how much heart and soul I put into the dishes I made on the show, then yes, I think I should have won! And I would have loved to have won. But the other guys’ dishes were great and I was happy to be included in the finalists. The experience has taught me to trust myself more, especially when I’m outside my comfort zone. Top Chef does a great job of forcing that.
For more information about Top Chef University, please visit: