
Fox has teamed with Matthew McConaughey to executive produce “Rooster,” an animated series based on the laid back actor’s brother, Mike “Rooster” McConaughey.

“My brother’s life is so unbelievable, we had to animate it,” McConaughey said. (case in point: Mike’s second son was named “Miller Lyte,” after his favorite frosty beverage)

The series will follow a redneck sheriff who marries a younger Mexican woman, only to inherit her 114-plus relatives.

The show was reportedly part of a bidding war between Comedy Central, TBS and Fox, with the latter emerging as the eventual winner. Matthew will serve as executive producer on the series, via his production company, J.K. Livin’ Production.

This should satisfy fans of “King of the Hill,” the long-running series from Mike Judge which went off the air this year. Since Seth McFarlane’s slate and “The Simpsons” already populate Sunday nights on Fox, we can expect “Rooster” to air during a different night.