…this trailer will probably convince you that you could do a lot worse than “Thirst,” directed by Chan-wook Park, who also brought us “Oldboy” and “Lady Vengeance.”
In the interest of full disclosure, I must admit that the inspiration to post this trailer – which, as you may already have discovered, is a red-band trailer and requires that you enter your birth date before you can view it – came as a result of receiving a package in the mail from the film’s publicists which contained a bag of “blood” and a straw.
Of course, it’s only juice with some seriously red food coloring added, but as it stands right now, I still haven’t dared to take a taste. I definitely will do so in the near future (specifically, when my wife and daughter get home, so they can bear witness to it), but I’m not sure how quickly my fellow Bullz-Eye contributor, Jason Zingale, will be taking a hit off his bag.
“I still haven’t braved drinking it,” he said, “but less because I’m worried what it will taste like and more because it’s just plain creepy.”
Sure, it’s creepy. Isn’t that the point? Drink up, Jason!