Tag: Daredevil

Friday night movie news dump

Because I will it to be so…

* It’s getting mighty meta here. Via Anne Thompson, will show biz blogger/reporter Nikki Finke be in any position to sue HBO over their series about a presumably fictional entertainment blogger/reporter with a “no-holds-barred” attitude? asks THR, esq. She’s apparently already threatened to sue the Gawker. And here’s a quote for you:

So we were delighted when she acknowledged, fully aware that she would be quoted, that in our last off the record conversation she threatened to sue your blogger personally and Gawker corporately for “unfair business practices” related to our coverage of her. When we explained that the lawsuit threat was the reason we refused to speak off the record, she said, “How do you know I won’t? I’d love to own your house and your kids.”

Nikki Finke owning another blogger’s kids? Now there’s a Dickensian tale for you.

And that’s just the beginning of tonight’s useless blogging.

* Another superhero reboot. This time, it’s “Daredevil.” While writer David Scarpa’s resume doesn’t inspire great confidence, it shouldn’t be too hard to top the last attempt.


* The Weinstein Company has picked up “The Tillman Story,” which is likely to be one of the year’s hotter documentaries.

* Sony has entered the bidding for the “The Terminator” franchise. Joss Whedon’s attempt at snapping up the franchise looking less likely every day. <Sigh>

* Speaking of Mr. Whedon, from time to time someone among his fans suggests some kind of fan donation and/or investment set-up to fund those ongoing “Buffy” or “Firefly” related projects they so crave. The idea is routinely shoot down as unrealistic. Kevin Smith works on a somewhat smaller canvas, but it’s interesting to see him apparently taking the idea seriously.

* James Cameron will presumably be betting against himself in Oscar pools.

* Many reasons to be slightly bummed that I decided not to take the SXSW plunge this year.

* One more Deadline|Hollywood item for the week from Mike “the sane one” Fleming. It’s about the movie moguls taking chances on less well-known directors (as if they aren’t always taking chances regardless, even if they’re trying not to), but all I can get my head around tonight is the idea of remaking “Damn Yankees” with Jake Gyllenhaal and Jim Carrey. I’m not Carrey’s biggest fan, but that could actually work. As for the part of the lovable Satanic temptress, Lola, I’m sure there are many great possibilities, but there’s one actress whose proven she’s got the stuff for Fosse-esque choreography.

The 10 Worst Comic Book Movies

King-Mag.com put together a list of the 10 Worst Comic Book Movies.

Here’s a sampling:

9. Daredevil (2003)
Why’s it so bad? The director of Grumpier Old Men delivers a crash course in miscasting with Colin Farrell chewing the scenery as a cornball assassin and Ben Affleck in a skintight, red leather suit. What could be worse?

Aftermath: A modest hit, Daredevil managed to rake in over $100 million at the box office and gave Affleck his last taste of success before the career-killing streak of Gigli, Paycheck, Jersey Girl and Surviving Christmas. Turns out bad choices hurt him more than the Kingpin ever could.

It’s a pretty solid list, though they sort of throw “The Incredible Hulk” under the bus by mentioning it in the “Hulk” blurb.

Five years later the title relaunched with new stars (Edward Norton and Liv Tyler), a new director (Louis Leterrier) and similar results (disappointing box office, mixed reviews). Let’s hope Marvel doesn’t believe the third time’s a charm.

I didn’t think the first one was all that bad, but there’s no doubt that the second one was better. “The Incredible Hulk” got a 7.3 at IMDB.com, a 67% at Rotten Tomatoes, and according to Box Office Mojo, it made almost $263 million worldwide (on a budget of $150 million). I for one sure hope that they bring back Edward Norton for another chapter.

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