That sound you hear is me patting myself on the back, but more on that in a minute. Last night’s “American Idol” results show was a bit different than usual, as they had contestants perform in small groups rather than in those larger, pageant-type numbers. And I liked it.

They kicked off with the two country singers, Lauren and Scotty, performing “I Told You So,” and it was really, really good. Then Ryan Seacrest told them that they were both….safe!

Next up, Naima and Jacob sang the old Ashford & Simpson song, “Solid as a Rock,” after which Jacob was told he was safe, and Namia was in the Bottom 3. Not a huge surprise, at least not to me. Then Season 3 champ Fantasia came out and sang her new song, “Collard Greens & Cornbread.” Yum, I’m hungry now! And it wasn’t bad, but she also sings like Jacob Lusk, with that pseduo-Gospel shake-while-singing thing. Talented, sure…but very distracting.

Then Haley, Thia and Pia did Katy Perry’s “Teenage Dream,” and it was good, especially the harmonies. I think Haley needs to stop growling every chance she gets and just sing. Pia and Haley were then declared safe, while Thia was in the Bottom 3.

Finally, the band of Paul, Casey, Stefano and James performed Wings’ “Band on the Run,” and it was really good too. Then Casey was sent to safety, and Seacrest told him he got a butt-load of votes this time. Good for him! James was safe, and so was Stefano, meaning Paul was in the Bottom 3. Booooooooo! So the Bottom 3 was Naima, Thia and Paul.

Then Jamie Foxx and Will I. Am performed their new auto-tuned single, with about 200 dancers on stage. Okay, whatever.

Finally it was time to announce who was being sent home……….the person safe this week was….Paul! Whew. So Naima and Thia were going home this week, and I you may have read that prediction somewhere.

Sweet. So now we’re down to 9–with only 3 girls left. Those would be Lauren, Pia and Haley. The guys still have Stefano, James, Paul, Casey, Jacob and Scotty.

So who do you like? Were you pleased with the results? Let me know in the space below, and we’ll see you back here next week!