Hot on the heels of the acclaimed third series, “Doctor Who” returns for a fourth installment with a familiar face alongside the Doctor. Award-winning actor Catherine Tate returns as the Doctor’s new companion, reprising her role as Donna Noble from the 2006 Christmas special “The Runaway Bride.” Now reunited, the Doctor and Donna travel back to Pompeii in AD 79 on the eve of the infamous eruption where people are slowly turning to stone, investigate a series of grisly murders with the help of Agatha Christie, and journey to the home world of the sinister Ood and come face to face an old enemy of the Doctor’s.
In conjunction with the release of the fourth series on DVD, Premium Hollywood is giving away two prize packages that include three “Doctor Who” action figures and Sonic Screwdriver LED Torch. If you want to enter to win, please email your full name and mailing address (with the name of the item in the subject line) to: